Change Plan Notification is an alert which will be sent to customer when their plan is being changed. It is an essential communication tool that helps to ensure that customer get information about his plan change. This type of notification is important to ensure that customers are informed about any changes that may affect their subscription, and to help them make informed decisions about whether to continue with the service or make changes to their plan. It can also help to build trust and transparency between the service provider and the customer, which can lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty.
You can create Email and SMS notification for Plan Change.
To create Plan Change Email Notification, you have to follow the path below
Notification (PC677) --> Add New E-Mail Notification (PC668) --> Select Change Plan in Select Notification Type
Fill the further form to create Email Template. Click here to know how to create Email Template?
To create Plan Change SMS Notification, you have to follow the path below.
Notification (PC677) --> Add New SMS Notification (PC675) --> Select Change Plan in Select Notification Type
Fill the further form to create SMS Template. Click here to know how to create SMS Template?
Once you activate a notification template, customer will get email or SMS alert immediately when their plan gets changed.
Here a customer named Andasul changed his plan and he immediately get email and SMS notifications which are displayed below.
Here a customer gets Email notification when his plan is changed.
An SMS will be sent to customer if his plan will be changed.