Telgoo5 system provides a non-usage notification feature which sends an alert (via email or SMS) to customers who have not used a service within a specific timeframe. The primary objective of this notification is to remind the customer about the service and encourage them to use it as soon.
You can create 2 types of non-usage notification in Telgoo5 system.
- Non Usage notification for Existing Customers
- Non Usage notification for Recently Activated Customers
For existing customers, you need to specify the Reminder Day(s) in the non-usage event's template. The system will check for customers who have not used the service from the specified reminder day(s) and send them the notification.
For recently activated customers, you need to select the Subscriber Activation Day(s) along with Reminder Day(s). The system will send notifications to customers who have been activated within the past 45 days, starting from day 1. This means that you can send the notification to customers who have been activated for a maximum of 45 days.
How to add Email template for non usage notification?
Following steps explain how to add an email template for non usage notification.
After logging into Telgoo5, you can find the Notification (PC677) section on the left panel. Click on the section to expand it, and then select the Add New E-Mail Notification (PC668) option. A corresponding image may be available to guide you through the process.
After selecting the Add New E-Mail Notification (PC668) option, choose the Non Usage option from the Select Notification Type menu. This will display a form with various options to add the non-usage event's email template.
Now Let's explain all required fields for non usage email template.
- Select Notification Type: It is a mandatory field where you have to select non usage from the dropdown list.
- From Name: Enter name of your company which you want to display the recipient's email. It is optional.
- From Email Address: It is a mandatory field in which you have to mention the from email for recipient email.
- BCC Email Address: You have to enter email address where you want to get blind carbon copy of email. It is optional.
- Reply To: You have to enter email in which you want to get reply email. It is optional.
- Reminder Day(s): It is a mandatory and most significant filed in non usage notification. To notify customers who have not used the service in the past few days, enter a numeric value in the Reminder Day(s) field. For instance, if you enter "3" in Reminder Day(s), customers who have not used the service for the past 3 days will receive an email notification.
- Subscriber Activation Day(s): It is dropdown list in which you have to select a number from 1 to 45. It is also optional. When it is selected, the notification will only be sent to customers who were activated on the specified number of days.
- Schedule Type : There are 2 options here as Once or Recurring. If "once" is selected, the notification will be sent on the specified day for non-usage. If "recurring" is selected, the notification will be sent daily to the 'n' number of days.
- Select Carrier: To add non-usage notifications, select the carrier for which you want to add the notification. If you want to add the notification for all carriers, you will need to add the notification for each carrier individually.
- Email Subject: The email template for non-usage notifications requires a mandatory subject field.
- Email Text: You will need to create an email text template containing the relevant information, to send non-usage notifications to customers via email. You can add HTML template here also. It is also a mandatory field.
- Status: You can keep non usage SMS template's status active or inactive.
How to add SMS template for non usage notification?
Following steps explain how to add an SMS template for non usage notification.
Click on the Add New SMS Notification (PC675) option under Notification (PC677) section on the left panel.
Now Let's explain all required fields for non usage SMS template.
- Select Notification Type: It is a mandatory field where you have to select non usage from the dropdown list.
- Reminder Day(s): It is a mandatory and most significant filed in non usage notification. To notify customers who have not used the service in the past few days, enter a numeric value in the Reminder Day(s) field. For instance, if you enter "5" in Reminder Day(s), customers who have not used the service for the past 5 days will receive an SMS notification.
- Subscriber Activation Day(s): It is dropdown list in which you have to select a number from 1 to 45. It is also optional. When it is selected, the SMS notification will only be sent to customers who were activated on the specified number of days.
- Schedule Type : There are 2 options here as Once or Recurring. If "once" is selected, the notification will be sent on the specified day for non-usage. If "recurring" is selected, the SMS notification will be sent daily to the 'n' number of days.
- Select Carrier: To add non-usage SMS notifications, select the carrier for which you want to add the notification. If you want to add the non usage SMS notification for all carriers, you will need to add the SMS non usage notification template for each carrier individually.
- SMS Name: You have to mention SMS name. It is mandatory.
- SMS Text: You will need to create an SMS text template containing the relevant information, to send non-usage notifications to customers via SMS. It is mandatory.
- Status: You can keep non usage SMS template's status active or inactive.