Manage Postpaid Credits (PC1004) feature allows agents to add credits/discount on upcoming bill.
NOTE: - This is mostly used in Post-paid Clients.
To access Manage Postpaid Credits:
Go to >> Log in to Telgoo5 >> Select a customer >> Click on Customer Service (PC400) >> Click on Billing and Invoice (PC75) >> Manage Postpaid Credits (PC1004)
Features of Manage Postpaid Credits:
1. Customer ID - This will display the customer ID
2. Current Plan Price ($) - This will current plan price of the customer’s account
3. Description- Agent has to type a description before submitting the credit
4. Activity Type- Agent has to select an activity type from the dropdown option
Note: - There are 2 types of Activity Type, Taxable and Non-Taxable
5. Discount Type For- Agent has to select one of any three options
Manual, Applied Unbilled Charge and Applied Billed Charge
6. Amount– Agent has to mention an amount.
7. Charge Type– By default, One Time is selected.
9. Feature Table-
- Amount - It displays the amount of the credit
- Description – It displays the Description which is either inserted by agent or buy TG5 SYSTEM
- Activity Type – It displays Activity Type of the credit
- Charge Type – It will show Charge Type – One Time
- Created Date Time – It will display the time when the credit is applied
- Credited By – It will display the creator of the credit, it could be the system or the individual responsible for it.
- Source – It will display the method, the credit is generated, it could be Cron or CSR
- Used Date Time – It will display the time when the credit is being used
- Used By – It will display who has used the credit
- Action – If the charge is in Active state, it will display Cancel Button and Add Amount to Wallet
If the charge is being used, it will show “Used” and the charge entry resemble as cut.
Note: - Tax Activity Type is not cancellable.