# | Agent Name | Login Time | Logout Time | Active Time | Source | Group Type | IP Address | Nearby Zipcode | Latitude | Longitude | Google map |
1 | team | 04-01-2024 18:04:49 | 00-00-0000 00:00:00 | 00 seconds | Telgoo5 | Super xxxx | 202.17x.x.x |
AGENT NAME: The name of the agent using the system
LOGIN TIME: The time at which the agent logged into the system
LOGOUT TIME: The time at which the agent logged out of the system
ACTIVE TIME: The duration for which the agent was actively engaged in the system
SOURCE: The platform from which the agent accessed the system(Enrollment portal/Telgoo5)
GROUP TYPE: The group name under which they are registered in Telgoo5
IP ADDRESS: The Internet Protocol address associated with the agent's device or connection
NEARBY ZIP-CODE: The ZIP code in close proximity to the agent's location
LATITUDE: The geographical latitude coordinate of the agent's location
LONGITUDE: The geographical longitude coordinate of the agent's location
GOOGLE MAP: A link or reference to a Google Map displaying the agent's location based on the provided latitude and longitude coordinates