ACCOUNT NUMBER: An auto-generated customer ID assigned to the customer when they are created in Telgoo5
ESN: SIM number that was assigned to the customer for activation
FIRST NAME: First name of the customer
LAST NAME: Last Name of the customer
ADDRESS1: Service address of the customer
ADDRESS2: Service address line 2 of the customer
CITY: City of the service address of the customer
STATE: Stat of the service address of the customer
ZIP: Zip code of the service address of the customer
ACTIVATION DATE: The date when the customer was activated in Telgoo5
ACCOUNT STATUS: This is the current account status of the customer in telgoo5
LINE STATUS: CARRIER: Network carrier on which customer was activated
MASTER AGENT NAME: Master agent of the agent who enrolled the customer
MDN: Telephone number that is assigned to the customer
PRIMARY PHONE: Customer's alternate number at which they can be contacted
EMAIL: Customer's email address at which all the email communications will be sent
WALLET BALANCE: Wallet balance in the customer's account
LAST PAYMENT DATE : Last date when customer made the payment
CURRENT PLAN: The name of the plan the customer is currently on