# | Cust ID | Parent Account Number | MDN | SSN | Reservation Number | First Name | Last Name | Address1 | Address2 | ZIP | City | State | Plan | Carrier | Master Agent Name | Distributor Agent Name | Retailer Agent Name | Agent Name | Approve Date | Activation Date | Disconnection Date | Reason | Account Status | Is Esim(Y/N) | |
1 | 2809XX | 2809XX | 3203XXXXX | 123@gmail.com | XXXX | N/A | JON | DOE | 537 SAINT XXXXXXX | 56387 | WAITE PARK | MN | ($12) Advantage Plan | PLUM | JOE JOE | JOE | JOE | JOE | 03-19-2024 17:18:42 | 03-19-2024 19:09:24 | 04-06-2024 15:41:47 | Cancel Request | Inactive | N |
CUSTOMER ID: An auto-generated customer ID assigned to the customer when they are created in Telgoo5
PARENT ACCOUNT NUMBER: If the customer is on a family plan, this will be the account number of the parent line
MDN: Telephone number of the customer in Telgoo5
EMAIL: The email address of the customer
SSN: Social security number of the customer
FIRST NAME: The first name of the customer
LAST NAME: The last name of the customer
ADDRESS 1: Address of the customer
ADDRESS 2: Address of the customer
ZIP: Zip code of the service address of the customer
CITY: City of the service address of the customer
STATE: State of the service address of the customer
PLAN: The plan offered by the service provider and selected by the customer
CARRIER: Network carrier on which customer was activated
MASTER AGENT NAME: Master agent of the agent who enrolled the customer
DISTRIBUTOR AGENT NAME: Distributor agent of the agent who enrolled the customer
RETAILER AGENT NAME: Retailer agent of the agent who enrolled the customer
AGENT NAME: The agent name who enrolled the customer
APPROVE DATE: Date when the customer was approved for the service
ACTIVATION DATE: Date when customer's service was activated
DISCONNECTION DATE: Date when the customer's service was disconnected
REASON: Reason for disconnection of the service
ACCOUNT STATUS: This is the current account status of the customer in telgoo5
IS E-SIM(Y/N): Whether the sim associated to the account is e-sim or not
For detailed report explanation, refer the video below.