What is NLAD Outage (PC1079) in Telgoo5?
Telgoo5 system diligently keeps an eye on transactions that might have occasional problems coming from NLAD. Sometimes these issues can cause delays when creating or reviewing orders. If that happens, we make sure to promptly notify system administrator through email alert.
NLAD Outage section is displayed in Telgoo5 Dashboard's left panel, if the PC1079 is allowed as system permission.
How to access NLAD Outage section?
First check in NLAD Outage (PC1079) permission in your user group. If it is already checked in, you can see NLAD Outage (PC1079) section in Telgoo5 left panel.
Once you log in Telgoo5 system, click on the NLAD Outage (PC1079) at Left Panel. NLAD Outage screen will be displayed.
What functionalities are available in NLAD Outage (PC1079) in Telgoo5?
Once you click on the NLAD Outage (PC1079) at Left Panel, NLAD Outage section provides following functionalities.
- Search NLAD Outage Transaction
- Add Subscriber
- View Subscriber
- Delete Subscriber
- Copy Response code
- Notification Sent To Subscriber
NOTE: Subscriber can be added from Telgoo5 system or Enrollment Portal.
How to search transaction in NLAD Outage?
Select a date range from Select Date box and click on the Submit button to search transaction. It displays all the transactions from the selected date range. You can search records through enrollment id too.
How to add a subscriber for NLAD Outage Notification from Telgoo5?
A subscriber can be added for NLAD Outage notification through his email address. Click on the Subscribe to Updates button at top-right in NLAD Outage section of Telgoo5.
A popup window will be displayed which allows to add subscriber’s email address.
How to add a subscriber for NLAD Outage Notification from Agent Portal?
A subscriber can be also added for NLAD Outage notification through his email address from ENROLLMENT PORTAL. After log in Enrollment Portal, click on the Subscribe button at bottom-left of the screen for Subscribe NLAD Outage Notification.
When you click on the Subscribe button there are 2 buttons (Email button/Close button) will be displayed on popup window.
How to know which customer subscribes for NLAD Outage Notification?
You can view NLAD Outage notification through subscriber’s email address. Click on the Subscribe to Updates button at top-right in NLAD Outage section of Telgoo5.
A new window will be displayed a default list of all subscribers. Here you can search a particular subscriber’s details through his subscribers email address.
How to delete a subscriber for NLAD Outage Notification?
You can also delete a record of a subscriber from NLAD Outage Notification. You have to click on delete button under section column in NLAD Outage Subscribers.
How to copy NLAD Outage Notification?
You can also copy the response code of a transaction against an enrollment id by just clicking on the button which comes under Response section.
How Subscriber gets NLAD Outage Email Notification?
A subscriber gets an email notification, if he is added though email for NLAD Outage Notification.