This report assists in identifying customers who are not using the services(voice/text/data) along with detailing the duration of non-usage.
Users can filter by master agent, retailer, distributor, or employee.
If there are multiple carriers integrated, users have the flexibility to select from the list.
Moreover, a drop-down menu enables customization of the number of non-usage days for a more personalized report.
# | ESN/SIM # | MDN | Carrier | Customer ID | First Name | Last Name | Plan Name | Alternate Contact | Enroll ID | Subscriber ID | Account Status | State | Created Date-time | Lifeline Activation Date-time | Last Action Type | Last Action Date-time | Days Non Use | Last Payment Date-time | Payment Type | Last CDR Usage Date-time | CDR Usage Type | Last Customer Notes Datetime | Model | Plan Type | Master | Distributor | Retailer | Employee | |
1 | 890124035719735XXX | 9197297XXX | PLUM | 281425 | John | Doe | Data, calling, texting bundle | 984-302-1XXX | 123e@ICLOUD.COM | Wxxx421123 | 10ZZJ90xx | Active | NC | 2024-03-20 12:23:06 | 2024-03-20 12:23:06 | RE-CONNECT | 2024-03-22 01:43:22 | 59 | 2024-03-20 15:12:08 | 2 | SIM SIM | 3G | CORPORATE MASTER | CORPORATE-M DISTRIBUTOR | CORPORA RETAILER |
ESN/SIM: ESN or Sim number associated with the customer's device.
MDN: The phone number assigned to a mobile device.
CARRIER: The name of the carrier service provider.
CUSTOMER ID: Unique identifier for the customer account in Telgoo5.
FIRST NAME: Customer's first name.
LAST NAME: Customer's last name.
PLAN NAME: Name of the plan or service package.
ALTERNATE CONTACT: Secondary contact information for the customer.
EMAIL: Customer's email address.
ENROLL ID: Unique identifier for the customer account upon start of the enrollment process and the ID used to contact with NLAD.
SUBSCRIBER ID: Customer's unique identification at NLAD.
ACCOUNT STATUS: Current status of the customer account (e.g., active, inactive, suspended).
STATE: The state where service is provided.
CREATED DATE TIME: Date and time when the account was created.
LIFELINE ACTIVATED DATE TYPE: Date when lifeline service was activated.
LAST ACTION TYPE: Type of the last action performed on the account.
LAST ACTION DATE-TIME: Date and time of the last action performed on the account.
DAYS NON USE: Number of days since the account was last used.
LAST PAYMENT DATE-TIME: Date and time of the last payment made by the customer.
PAYMENT TYPE: Method of payment used by the customer (e.g., credit card, cash).
LAST CDR USAGE DATE-TIME: Date and time of the last CDR usage.
CDR USAGE TYPE: Type of usage recorded in the Call Detail Record (e.g., voice call, SMS, data).
LAST CUSTOMER NOTES DATE TIME: Date and time when the last note was added to the customer account.
MODEL: Model of the mobile device associated with the account.
PLAN TYPE: Type of subscription plan (e.g., prepaid, postpaid).
MASTER: The master agent of the agent who enrolled the customer.
DISTRIBUTOR: The distributor of the agent who enrolled the customer.
RETAILER: The retailer of the agent who enrolled the customer.
EMPLOYEE: The agent who enrolled the customer or the source from which the customer got enrolled to the service.