The customer disconnections with reason report allows the users to get detailed information about the customer who got disconnected from the service along with the reason for disconnection, customer PII details, the agents under which the customer account was created.
The report provides flexibility to search it against a specific master agent, distributor, retailer, report type which can be either regular disconnection or disconnection due to non-usage and enrollment type-(ACP or prepaid).
# | Cust ID | ESN | MDN | First Name | Last Name | Address1 | Address2 | Zip Code | City | State | Plan | Carrier | Master Agent Name | Distributor Agent Name | Retailer Agent Name | Agent Name | Approve Date | Activation Date | Disconnection Date | Reason | Enrollment Type |
1 | 10xxxx | 890124040716816XXXX | 240501XXXX | JOE | DOE | 123 MAIN ST | 10036 | NEW YORK | NY | 5000 MB UNLIMITED T & T | TMB | MASTER xxxx | DISTRIBUTOR | RETAILER | xxxx | 2023-11-29 14:14:29 | 2023-11-29 14:58:36 | 2024-03-18 22:45:13 | NLAD TRANSFER OUT | ACP |
CUST ID : An auto-generated customer ID assigned to the customer when they are created in Telgoo5.
ESN : Electronic Serial Number associated with the customer's device, if applicable.
MDN: The phone number associated with the customer's account.
FIRST NAME: The first name of the customer.
LAST NAME: The last name of the customer.
ADDRESS1: The first line of the service address of the customer.
ADDRESS2: The second line of the service address of the customer (if applicable).
ZIP CODE (ZIP): The zip code of the service address of the customer.
CITY: The city of the service address of the customer.
STATE: The state of the service address of the customer.
PLAN (PLAN NAME): Name of the plan or service subscribed to by the customer.
CARRIER: Company providing the service or plan to the customer.
MASTER AGENT NAME: Name of the master agent associated with the customer.
DISTRIBUTOR NAME: Name of the distributor associated with the customer.
RETAILER NAME: Name of the retailer associated with the customer.
AGENT NAME: Name of the agent associated with the customer.
APPROVAL DATE (APPROVE DATE): Date when the customer's enrollment or account was approved.
ACTIVATION DATE: Date when the customer's account was activated.
DISCONNECTION DATE: Date when the customer's account was disconnected (if applicable).
REASON: Reason for the disconnection (if applicable).
ENROLLMENT TYPE: Type of enrollment, such as ACP, Lifeline, or prepaid.
For detailed report explanation, refer the video below: