Before you start enrolling customers for ACP, Lifeline, Prepaid, or Postpaid services, it's essential to ensure that you've added the relevant service area zip codes for a smooth onboarding process and minimize potential zip code errors.
To modify service area settings, follow these steps:
Navigate to Service Area Settings
Access the Service Area (PC237) section under the Telgoo5 system settings.

Adding Zip Codes
Under Add/Update Area , enter all the zip codes you want to add or update and specify their applicability for Lifeline, Prepaid/Postpaid, or ACP using the provided check-boxes.
Indicate the status of each zip code as active or inactive.
Specify whether the zip code is tribal or not.

Fill in all the necessary details and click 'Submit'.
Deleting Zip Codes
Under Delete Area, enter the zip codes you wish to remove and specify their applicability for Lifeline, Prepaid/Postpaid, or ACP using the provided check-boxes.

Add all the details required and hit 'Remove'.
Verification of Added Zip Codes
To verify the added zip codes, scroll down to the area list on the same page.
You'll find a list displaying active and inactive zip codes for all states integrated into Telgoo5.