This could be valid error due to the fact that you do not provide services in the zip code you have entered or you just do not provide services at all in the entire state for the give zip code.
However, if you provide the services in the zip code you are entering to sign up a customer and get this error you can follow these steps to resolve this error.
1. Ensure that you have the plan setup for the state in which you are getting the error. To make sure that the plan is setup in the given state:
- Go to plan config. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of Telgoo5, you will get a drop down menu from there click on Plan Config (PC232)
- In Plan Config (PC232), select the state from the drop down and if you do not see any plans you will need to create a plan in that particular state. In order to setup the plans, please follow the below mentioned tutorial.
How to setup a plan in Telgoo5?
- If the plans are setup correctly in the state, next step will be making sure that the plan permissions are setup for the enrollment source correctly. In order to do that you will need to go to plan config. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of Telgoo5, you will get a drop down menu from there click on Plan Config (PC232)
- In side Plan Config (PC232), you will search the plan for which you need to verify the permissions.
a.) Display Status should be "Yes"
b.) And appropriate Plan Permission should be checked. For example if you are getting an error on enrollment portal, then ENROLLMENT PORTAL plan permission should be checked ON.
For tutorial on editing the plan permissions please click below link.
- If the plans are setup correctly in the state, and plan permissions are also setup correctly next setup will be verifying that the user plan permissions are setup correctly.
- To verify user plan permissions you will go to user settings. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of Telgoo5, you will get a drop down menu from there click on User Settings (PC480)
- When you are in user settings navigate to Manage Employee (PC123) and search for the user who is is getting the error.
- Once you have the user located, in the actions column click on "Agent Plan" icon
- Then select the appropriate plans state wise to which your agents should have access, if there are multiple agents with the same issue you can click on "Multiple" options to select multiple agents and grant the plan access. Once done click on save.