To create a Linked Topup plan, you have to click on the Setting Icon at top-right side of Telgoo5 Dashboard.
Then Setting options' list will be displayed. Now click on the Plan Config (PC232) option.
In Plan Config screen, click on the Linked Topup section.
If you want to add only Topup plan, Click here to know How to add a Topup plan in Telgoo5?
Here you can add Link Topup in Linked Topup Section by clicking on +Add New Link Topup button.
After clicking on +Add New Link Topup button, Add New Link Topup Page is opened.
Now the time comes when you have to fill following information to Add a Linked Topup plan which are showing in above image.
- Plan Type
- Carrier
- Carrier Code
- Link Topup Type
- Status
After filling all the information, click Submit button to create a Linked Topup Plan.