Telgoo5 operates with a system of user categories tailored to different roles within the platform. Here's an overview:
Master Agent: This category encompasses individuals who oversee and manage multiple distributors within the Telgoo5 network.
Distributor: Distributors are responsible for managing a network of retailers and overseeing sales and distribution activities within their assigned area.
Retailer: Retailers are the front line sellers who directly interact with customers, handling transactions and providing services.
Employee: This category includes individuals who work within the Telgoo5 organization itself, fulfilling various roles such as administrative tasks, managerial duties, shipping responsibilities, and field agent duties and many more.
Users are assigned to specific user categories based on their roles within the Telgoo5 ecosystem.
Each category may have various subgroups or roles associated with it, such as Admin, Manager, Shipper, or Field Agent.
These subgroups determine the permissions and access levels that users have within the Telgoo5 system, enabling them to perform tasks relevant to their roles, such as order creation, customer search, billing, and receiving notifications.
When creating a new user account, it's essential to select the appropriate user category and subgroup to align with the user's role and responsibilities.
Additionally, the hierarchical structure of user accounts within Telgoo5 requires that certain user accounts have parent accounts available at higher levels.
For example, to create an Employee user account, a Retailer account must be available; to create a Retailer user account, a Distributor account must be available, and so on up the hierarchy
Users at each level of the hierarchy may be associated with different groups, allowing for customization of permissions and access rights tailored to their specific needs and responsibilities within the Telgoo5 platform.
Curious how to create a user in Telgoo5? Add User in Telgoo5.