Customers can now be transitioned from ACP to prepaid by sending a campaign and providing them with a link to facilitate this change.
The goal is to make this transition as seamless and user-friendly as possible, ensuring customers can easily take advantage of the benefits offered by the prepaid plans.
Steps to Change a Customer's Plan from ACP to Prepaid
Step 1: Create an Email or SMS Campaign Template.
- Create the Template: In your campaign platform, create a new SMS template.
- Add the Static URL and Variable: Ensure you include the static URL and the %ENROLLMENT_ID% variable. Ensure there is no space between the = sign at the end of the URL and the %ENROLLMENT_ID% variable.
Example URL:
- Static URL:
- Variable: %ENROLLMENT_ID%
Step 2: Set Up and Schedule the Campaign.
Once the template is created, set up the campaign and schedule it for sending.
Step 3: Customer Receives the SMS and Opens the Link.
The customer will receive an SMS containing the link. They will click on the link to proceed to the payment page.
Step 4: Select the Prepaid Plan.
The customer selects the desired plan from the list of plans available.
Step 5: Enter Required Details and Complete Payment.
After selecting the plan, the customer enters the required details to complete the payment successfully.
Step 6: Redirect to Thank You Page.
Upon successful payment, the customer will be directed to a thank you page confirming the completion of the process.
Step 7: Account Type and Plan Update.
After payment, the customer's account type will be updated to Prepaid, and their plan will be changed accordingly in TG5.