Creating prepaid plans
To move an ACP account to a prepaid plan, start by creating a prepaid plan in your Telgoo5 system. Follow the steps in the tutorial below for detailed instructions on how to create a prepaid plan in Telgoo5.
If the prepaid plans are already created you can skip creating prepaid plans.
Enabling the configuration to allow prepaid plan change on ACP accounts
To ensure the ACP to Prepaid Plan Change feature works correctly, you need to apply the correct setting in the Telgoo5 system. Follow these steps:
- Open Settings
- Click on the Settings icon at the top right corner of the dashboard.
- Access System Config
- Click on System Config (PC234).
- Expand Plan Change/Renew Config
- Find and expand the Plan Change/Renew Config option.
- Set the Configuration
- Select Y for the ALLOW PREPAID PLAN CHANGE FOR ACP ORDERS (SC1221) setting.
- Save the Changes
- Click the Submit button.
This will activate the ACP to Prepaid Plan Change feature.
Changing ACP account to prepaid plan through Telgoo5 dashboard
Follow these steps to change an ACP plan to a prepaid plan:
Open the ACP Customer Profile in CSR
- Access the CSR portal.
- Search for the customer profile associated with the ACP plan you wish to change.
- Ensure you have the correct customer details before proceeding.
Click on Plan Change (PC77)
- Within the customer profile, locate and click on the Plan Change (PC77) option under Quick Links.
- This will take you to the plan change interface where you can modify the customer's current plan.
Ensure the Show Prepaid Plans Checkbox is Displayed and Selected
- On the Plan Change page, look for the Show Prepaid Plans checkbox.
- Ensure this checkbox is displayed and already selected, indicating that prepaid plan options are available for viewing.
- If it's not selected, manually check the Show Prepaid Plans checkbox.
Select a Prepaid Plan from the Dropdown Menu
- Once the checkbox is selected, the Change Plan to dropdown option will appear below it, displaying the list of prepaid plans.
- From the Change Plan to dropdown menu, select the desired prepaid plan that suits the customer's needs
Submit the Plan Change
- After selecting the prepaid plan, click the Submit button.
- A success message will confirm that the plan has been successfully updated.
While this allows you to change the plan on customer's account one at a time you can also process plan change in bulk for customer. Please click on the link mentioned below to learn how to change the plan in bulk.
How can you change the plans of several customers all at once in bulk?
Changing ACP account to prepaid plan through Telgoo5 API
You can process ACP account to prepaid plan change using APIs. You will primarily be using two APIs for this:
- plan_list API
- change_plan API
plan_list API: You will use this API to get the list of all the available prepaid plans for the customer.
Sample request |
{ "action": "plan_list", "zip_code": "98104", "enrollment_type": "LIFELINE", "agent_id": "agent_name", "source": "WEBSITE", "request_name": "plan", "show_prepaid_plans": "Y" } |
Key | Value | Description |
action | plan_list | This is a fixed value and it denotes the name of the API call |
zip_code | numeric | 5 digits service zip code for the customer's account to fetch the plans available on the zip code. |
enrollment_type | string | Enrollment type of the account. |
agent_id | string | This is the login id of the user making the API call. |
source | string | This is the source from where API call is being made. Expected values are API, WEBSITE, AGENT |
request_name | string | This is a fixed value for this API expecte value is "plan" |
show_prepaid_plans | string | This tells the system if you want to fetch the list of prepaid plans or not. This should be "Y" when you want to get the list of prepaid plans. Expected values are "Y" or "N" |
Sample Response |
{ "data": [ { "Plan_service_type": "V", "advance_billing_month": 0, "advance_purchase_discount": "", "advance_repayment_month": "0", "advance_repayment_month_allowed": "N", "allowed_device_type": null, "autopay_details": { "autopay_discount_detail": [] }, "autopay_discount": "N", "carrier": [ "TMB" ], "connected_plans": [], "data": "1024", "data_unlimited": "", "display_data": null, "display_description": null, "display_features_description": [], "display_minute": null, "display_name": null, "display_price": "", "display_sequence": "", "display_status": "Y", "display_text": null, "familyPlanConfig": null, "grace_period_allowed_days": "0", "is_byod": null, "is_connected_plan": "NO", "is_familyplan": "N", "is_prepaid_postpaid": "prepaid", "is_regulatory_fee_applicable": "N", "is_tax_included": "", "is_unlimited_plan": "N", "minute_unlimited": "", "offer_type": "", "plan_code": "45", "plan_description": "", "plan_discount_details": [], "plan_expiry_days": 1, "plan_expiry_type": "MONTHLY", "plan_id": "1538", "plan_name": "$10 Retail Plan", "plan_price": "10.0", "plan_state": "WA", "prepaid_ach_autopay_discount": "", "prepaid_credit_card_autopay_discount": "", "regulatory_fee_charge_details": [], "talk": "3000", "text": "10000", "text_unlimited": "", "total_plan_price": "10.0" } ], "msg": "Success", "msg_code": "RESTAPI000" } |
change_plan API: You will use this API to change the plan on customer's account.
Post man collection and documentation for the change_plan API