Our reconciliation team sends a weekly report of Telgoo5 vs NLAD subscribers. This report contains subscribers found in Telgoo5 with some active status but not in NLAD. We provide this report to be fully transparent and for the benefit of our partners.
Although number sometimes appears larger than expected, there are numerous explanations for this. For example, these are often NLAD transfer-outs that have not yet synced with the Telgoo5 system. Other reasons include NLAD going down, direct de-enrollment from NLAD or recertification that was not completed properly for these subscribers.
Due to the timing dynamics of system syncing, we recommend comparing the last 2 weekly reconciliation reports to see which subscribers are persistently showing not found in NLAD but showing some active status in Telgoo5.
For those who are persistently not showing on NLAD but showing active in Telgoo5, we recommend investigating those specific subscribers. You can try enrolling them again in NLAD through Telgoo5. Also make sure they were re-certified properly if needed and not de-enrolled by some other process.
If you are not able to re-enroll the accounts back into NLAD, we recommend disabling those accounts in Telgoo5 to ensure you are not incurring carrier costs for those accounts.
If you still need help figuring out why some of these subscribers are persistently not showing in NLAD we are here to help you. Just send an email over to helpdesk with the accounts in question.