Two new configurations are available for managing login restrictions in the Agent Enrollment Portal. The first, IP Address Restrictions, allows the system to verify a user's IP address against a specified country. The second, Geolocation Management, enables the use of geolocation data for login verification.
Additionally, if both configurations are set, the system will check both criteria during login, providing robust security. If neither configuration is applied, the system will operate normally without restrictions. These enhancements aim to create a more secure and flexible login experience for all agents.
- IP Address Restrictions: This configuration manages restrictions based on the IP address. If only the IP configuration is set, the system will check the user's IP address against the country specified in the configuration.
- Geolocation Management: This configuration works based on geolocation. If this option is enabled, the system will use geolocation data to verify the login.
- Combined Configuration: If both IP address and geolocation configurations are set, the system will check both criteria during login.
- No Configuration Set: If neither configuration is set, the system will operate as usual without any restrictions.
How to enable Geo Location and IP address restrictions:
Configuration Location: TG5>Setting>System Config> REST API Config
- The system will provide the following errors whenever the IP address does not correspond to the configured country.
- The system will provide the following errors whenever the Geolocation does not correspond to the configured country.
- The system will provide the following errors whenever the IP address and Geolocation do not correspond to the configured country.