Telgoo5 coupon code usage report shows the number of times a particular coupon code has been used under a date range. This report can be useful for retailers to track the effectiveness of their coupon code campaigns and to identify popular coupons. The report may include information such as the number of times the coupon code has been used, the date and time the coupon was used, and the total amount of the discount applied.
Details of the Coupon code(s) can be searched through the following values.
- Coupon Code: If you want to know how many time a coupon code has been used, then search by Coupon Code.
- MDN: If you want to know how many times a customer used coupon code, then search by MDN.
- From Date: If you want to know coupon codes have been used from a date.
- To Date: If you want to know coupon codes have been used till a date.
- Category: If you want to know coupon codes according to their categories.
Click on the download icon, If you wish to download CSV report of all searched data.